Waffling in THREE dimensions.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


My friends, the time has come. I was struck by an epiphany last night some time between seeing Transformers and Knocked Up, both of which were enjoyable, thank you. What was this revelation, you ask? It was the truth that I am in no way encumbered by trite doctrines of practicality that might prevent the advancement of my utilitarianism! Indeed, I did purchase my 4th remote control watch less than a fortnight ago, but that was no an increase in my functionality, which shall be my utmost goal. I have surveyed the nets, though not to an excess, to determine my next stride and I ask of you, humble Internets, to divine my next furtherance from a select candidacy with regards to their overall utility and versatility in numerous circumstances. I am feeling very well about this item. Indeed, I have contemplated the purchase of a simple hat since my habituation from employment. And while this item is also 'cool' it would not be practical at the time because of the RFID at the public works building. Ponder upon the price, but briefly, as it is of lesser concern now that I am free from the confines of a fiscal fidelity. I implore you, brave 'tubes, what shall be my next gadget? The items in pool 2 are not finalized but I beseech your opinion regardless.

Pool 1:
Option A
Option B
Pool 2:
Option A
Option B

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