This week has been busy, which creates time for procrastination, which means a blog post. I haven't written anything of substance for a time.
Spring break was horrible in the best way imaginable. It would have been a failure, and it was, but I found it comically so, which was (a bit) redeeming. I feel I can cross road-trip off my pitiful list of life achievements. I think it could make for a darkly funny anecdote, but I'm not sure how to approach it yet. If I had to pick one highlight right now... perhaps the doll barber salon at the American Girl Store? And they have tea parties! Delightful!
I'm taking an advertising class right now that I am loving so far. There is a class blog where we are to submit and comment on various advertisements. I haven't decided what my particular advert will be yet. I have at least fifteen ads favorited on youtube, so I'm not at a loss for substance, especially if public service announcements or political campaign advertisements qualify. I think writing about a guerrilla marketing campaign might be interesting, but I may save it for a midterm or whatnot. The most fun, however, is an "idea book." It's like getting a grade for doodling! I've been recording some of my "more interesting" ideas for sometime now, and its strange having to turn them in, but I hope they enjoy reading it.
Alas, I am sad I cannot attend the Spinal Tap concert this weekend, although it's titled "unwigged and unplugged," which loses half the fun.
In conclusion: I really like it when things are proclaimed as allies. Sometimes when things are BFF's that is OK too.
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