Waffling in THREE dimensions.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

its so hard to integrate when there's so much going on in the world of politics!!

Once again I am dodging the world of Sohcahtoa in favor of...something thats not trigonometric identity integration techniques. Anyways, I watched the "Bianca" clip of Bush searching for either a planted reporter or... thats pretty much the best explanation for it. Its quite odd. As someone who has abused stimulants (not something I'm proud of), I can say that the weird twitching and flexing of his jaw is similar to my own experience with the side-effects. Given the pretzeldent's past history of drug use, it would not be surprizing.
For some reason, The National Enquirer's website is blocked. "Alternative Journals" is filtered. Suspicious.
The Donahue v. O'Reily "debate" was pretty intense. It was more of a shouting match really. Lots of interuptions on both sides.

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