Photo posts of my recent adventures!
Of my brief foray into Eugene, this is Bruce Campbell stencil is the only picture worth posting.
During my brief expedition to Big 5 I found this gem. That kid will mess you up. He even makes jumping rope look bad-ass. You wouldn't see this kid playing with scented hula hoops, which were rather disappointing by the way.
I shared a bed with this. Yes, it was everything you'd imagine it to be and more.
Though we saw a plethora of elk, deer, and other creatures with haunting eyes along Route 12, this was the closest thing we saw to a bear.
Jesus was present with a sexy Santa Claus and a little Wonder Woman, neither of whom are present in this picture. I also saw a parrot and a banana. Surprisingly, no eagles or sharks.
I don't know who this is, but there was a long line of people wanting his signature. Don't bother trying to tell me, I won't care.
This haircut was so horrible, I had to have a picture.
I am looking forward to this greatly. I was bereaved when I learned he had been there on Saturday. Looking at the cast, I am already in love.
Waffling in THREE dimensions.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Forest Ninja (photos!)
Blog Archive
- Who films that?
- Q. Are We Not Men?
- Forest Ninja (photos!)
- A Sphere of Curiousity
- More Enjoyable Sex
- High Seas, High Stakes
- Brain's Up
- I couldn't think of a proper integration joke
- Blog rhymes with Clog which is filling The Tubes
- A Representative Sample
- Wired's How-To Covers Zombie Survival Scenarios
- Citation Needed
- Another Undead Post (Now with less links!)
- The Promised Pictures
- Your Beliefs Suck
- The Post That Refused to Die
- Sexy Ribbit
- OK Go
- It's Never Schistosomiasis