Waffling in THREE dimensions.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Badger Badger Badger

A Snake!! OOOH It’s a snake!

This is the worst plotline ever. From IMDB: “On board a flight over the Pacific Ocean, an assassin, bent on killing a passenger who's a witness in protective custody, let loose a crate full of deadly snakes.” Could they have a worse plot? Fandango has this gem set to theatres in August of ’06. You have to give them credit for a descriptive title, Snakes On A Plane (aka SOAP). Oh, Samuel El Jackson, what have you gotten yourself into?

However, the pure comedy gold comes from this thread on the IMDB message board where they discuss the various sequel possibilities to SOAP. There are too many to name, but I haven’t laughed this hard since I watched the Colbert report like half an hour ago. I prefer Stewart’s interviews better, but Colbert’s news briefs are hilarious. I especially love the Threat Down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AUGGG, SNAKES! SNAKES ON A PLANE! My whole concept of natural environment just turned upside down.

- Mel