Waffling in THREE dimensions.

Friday, December 02, 2005

I have a cold

Snow sucks ass. Snow’s all fluffy and pretty. Snow is a bitch. It’s cold, and likes to land on your nose as if to say “Hi!” like that annoying freshman in high school who had that crush on you but never anything to say, but wants your attention regardless of how frivolous it might be for you to listen about how they like toe-socks. That same one that found out your instant messaging handle and sent you messages the exact moment you signed on, usually about how bored they are. Plus, in lowlight it makes everything grayscale, which is about as much fun as listening to that girl complain about how she hates her parents and no one understands her, but for some reason, she illogically thinks you might. Shut the hell up, Snow, I hate you. Snow was only cool when you see it once a year, like your “funny” uncle. Spend more than a weekend with him, and someone must die.

Sleet is 1337. I should get that on a fucking shirt. I have a cold. I never have experienced sleet, but I have a feeling it would kick my ass.

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