Waffling in THREE dimensions.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Up and Up

Today was an improvement. Aside from slipping on some ice, my day was fine, that put the rest of it in the toilet. I'm feeling less sick, but i have boogers the consistancy of hot pizza cheese. Facebook is blocked by myspace now. I hate living in the dorms. Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning totally blew my mind today. An extended epiphany, intoxication on an idea. Might have been the last of my Sudafed. I should get some more drugs, but I don't want to walk anywhere far in the cold (16F with a 10 degree windchill currently). I need to woodshed like a horse and do laundry like an 800 pound gorilla tomorrow. I can't seem to get any updates to work on my firefox 1.5...

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