In the digital age there is perhaps nothing so aggravating as accidentally closing a window. If I seem curt in the following, you may easily deduce the reason.
I believe I have expressed my desire for greater utility before, which has resulted in some unusual clothing choices (although every one agrees upon the time). I believe I have also expressed my appreciation of things which fail so tremendously that they reach a point of inversion and actually become wonderful in the worst way. Perhaps failure is the wrong descriptor. In any case, I have found an item that dares do both:From the product description:
All cast metal buckle with hidden slide out pocket knife. Rebel flag and civil war swords molded into the buckle. C.S.A., The Confederate States of America, is molded into the front and back of this small, concealed blade. Precision engineered to slide and stay in place in the belt buckle compartment. It stays put! Nothing to snap! This is a quality collector's piece for reenactment enthusiasts or amateurs alike. It makes for a great belt buckle, too! Being all metal, it will last a lifetime.It's also very affordable and from multiple retailers! While there are similar products avaliable, who could pass up that Southern Charm? Although, I admit, compared to the these belt buckle knives, the whole seven dollars seems like quite the steal. I encourage you to check out the video and Clive Thompson's pseudo-review. It seems that Mr. Gillespie has a new website with the charming name Bucklehead. I'm not even sure how to use these ones. It seems you must remove the belt for access to the blade. Of course, there are the questions of knife legality for good reason. I feel a ban on balisong knives is certainly to protect myself from myself.