Waffling in THREE dimensions.

Friday, September 09, 2005

The early bird sucks

I awoke this morning to the sounds of the street sweeper. What time was it, it was barely light out. Some ungodly single-digit hour, that I had grown blissfully unused to seeing. Then, some indetermined, but nonethless far too short of a time later, I was informed by my father that I was going to be hauling rocks all day, and that we would be leaving in a few minutes. Glee. Luckely, my sister picked this moment to call home sick. Pwnd! Well, at least I got an extra hour, and got to go hang out in the band room like a loser for a few minutes. Anyway, as I am probably going to look back on this and ask "what the hell was I thinking?"; in advance, I blame sleep deprivation.

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